Friday, March 14, 2008

Another Poem: The Masks I Wear

This one's actually on the older side... the first few I have on here were written in '07, this one was written in '04 when I realized that I no longer knew myself any more... what was real and what wasn't...

The Masks I Wear

I play so many roles
Can you tell
Can you see
What is real

So many in one day
So many people fooled
Then one day I look to find
I've played my part so well
That I am lost

No more can I identify
The feelings that I have
Am I truly happy
Or is it all an act
Do I really laugh
Or am I crying
Beneath this facade

No one can truly know me
Those closest to me
Like others
Are fooled
My true self remains hidden
In the depths
Where even nowI am crying
For I am lost

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