Saturday, January 30, 2010

How do I say goodbye

How do I say goodbye, my friend
When it is clear that your time has not come
How do I ask you to stay
When I understand too well the emptiness, the hopelessness that you feel
How do I let you go
When I know my world will be that much more empty without you


I hope I've written this prematurely. She lives literally half a world away (well, more or less) which, as she pointed out, means I cannot tell anyone of her plans. In two weeks my friend who has talked me through my depression as I have hers is giving up. There is nothing more I can think of to do. I've tried everything I know how. And so I sit back and wait, ferverently praying I will not recieve the Facebook message or email telling me that I have one less friend in this world. And that, hard as I tried, I was unable to help her.


Han aka Pinkster on RYL said...

Jess showed me ur blog. This is exactly how i feel too. Shes one of my best friends and im exhausting my words over and over to make sure in 6 days she's still with us :( I cant imagine a world without her in it. sigh

Girl Interrupted83 said...

Hey chica
I know hun. Keep in touch if you would like. J (I try not to use any info that can lead people to who I really am) and I are friends on FB, ask her to direct you toward me.

il@! said...

Exactly how I feel! :-S
nice blog

Girl Interrupted83 said...

Thank you.
I am sorry you have had occasion to feel the same.