Thursday, January 28, 2010

So Very Tired

I'm tired. S0 very tired. And I hate this.

I hate feeling like this.

I hate that the smallest thing makes me tearful. I've been watching a borrowed set of the only season of FireFly (a kind of sci-fi western) and I cannot tell you how many times I've come close to tears in just the first two discs alone.

And Lord, I'm so crabby it's not even funny. I hate it.

And the worst part of it is... there's only so much I can do about any of it. I've got no health insurance. I can't afford either of my meds (even $10 for the cheapest, for crying out loud). And while I could exercise it won't have the effects won't be as immediate as I would like. Not that restarting my meds would be immediate... if I could have stayed on them...

*sigh*I'm just so very very tired.

(and a little bit sorry for myself, sheesh *rolls eyes*)


Jiinxsay Saoirse Phoenix (Fauveling-Storm) said...

hey Jen,

i just read this whole page.
i'm sooo sry you aren't insured!
i won't even go into MY rant on the good ole US of @$$hole, not caring for the sick, poor, disabled.
isn't it possible for you to get medicaid? we call it MassHealth here in Mass.
i would be DONE, killed myself a thousand times over w/out my meds, omg! prozac for past 18 yrs, on and off, mostly on of course.
now that i admit the bipolar type 2 i take seroquel at night. nothing to take for borderline personality disorder :) am anorexic & alcoholic too :) dontcha just LOVVVE mental frailties? that is my fav term for them bcuz it seems so much more innocent, like the old days. i don't like hearing "mental case" "nutbag", a million others.
didn't nobama just come up w/some magical blanket plan to cover EVERYBODY? my son was talking about it cuz he's migraining, oh ya, i do that too.
plzzzz look into it luv, mental frailties make life suck enough as it IS!! you NEED your f'ing meds! and if you dont have income, DISABILITY!!!! i didn't even have to venture into my mental-ness to get it, thx kidneys & lungs, holla!! lol, physically gimped too. i loved your journal and plz feel free to check mine out if you want. i tend to be random as all getup, miss unstable who thinks she's a f'ing princess, lolol again ;) eternally 18, but see if you can guess my age by my "princesse pics" in my sidebar ;) i AM a gurly gurl fosho.
just wanted to let you know i am GLAD you are HERE in Blogger-land <3
i am going to "join" as a follower to your blog :) you def struck a chord w/me :)
if i can help in any way, ie; scoping the web for insurance bs in whatever state your in, let me know, k?

<3 Jiinxsay (pn=pronounced-Jinxy)

Girl Interrupted83 said...

I'm sorry, I'm confused... who is Jen?

Anyway, you are very passionate I will grant you that ;)

No, I cannot get medicaid, I am not disabled, pregnant, old, under 19, and I do not have a family. So basically if you simply are sick with no income there is no help for you *scowls*

Obamas health care plan (which I do not care for if only for the fact that he only got it passed by having the House and Senate vote on two DIFFERENT bills and then signing his own reconciling the two *rolls eyes* Walk all over the constitution one more time Obama) does not come into effect for another four years. *shrug* If I don't have a job and insurance by then there will be no need for it as far as I am concerned because I'll have killed myself simply for being so pathetic >.< Well... hopefully not but the idea does not bear thinking about.

Actually I don't care for the term 'mental frailties' much, lol *shrug* My friends and I refer to each other as crazy and the like all the time ;) But then that is amongst ourselves (these are friends I met on an online community for SI and mental illness support). If someone else referred to me as a nut case or crazy or something like that I know I would take offense.

Anyway thanks for your comment.